article and blog writing services

Article & Blog Writing Services

Did you know that websites having blogs have 434% more indexed pages? Yes, that is the actual power of a blog for a website. Not only that, but if you have external blogs, you’re likely to get 97% more links to your website. This is why every website owner requires article and blog writing services today.

Our writers are trained in writing articles and blogs for any genre. Every piece of blog or article that we provide is proofread and plagiarism-free. Whether you need to manage your own website blog or submit articles and blogs on external sites, you’ll get excellent services for both.

What is the Difference between an Article and a Blog?


Even though we consider both to be the same, there is some difference between the two. A blog is more personal, where you talk to your audience and give them your own opinions. Every website can have a blog where you can connect with your readers and promote your products and services. This helps to improve the SEO of a website.  Content creators also use blogs to make money via affiliate marketing. So, any website owner or content creator can have a blog.

On the other hand, an article is neutral. Its sole purpose is to provide information to readers. You do not give your personal opinions or push a product or service here. They are more commonly used for media sites (newspapers and magazines). Brand owners can use articles for submitting on media and PR sites to inform their audience about any new venture or product. However, it is more formal as compared to a blog.

In a nutshell, the differences between an article and a blog are as follows:


Personal and informative.

Neutral and informative.



Written in first and second person.

Written in the second and third person.

Valid for brand owners and content creators.

Useful for media sites and PR sites.

The language is casual and friendly.

The language is formal and sophisticated.

Benefits of Availing Article and Blog Writing Services

Although there’s quite a difference between a blog and an article, they solve the same purpose for a website – increasing traffic. Most internet users seek information more than products and services. Hence, blogs and articles are now used to promote brands or their products and services indirectly.

Here’s how availing article and blog writing services from a professional content creator can benefit you:

target audience

Content is written as per the interest and demographics of your target audience.

connecting to readers

Professional writers are trained and experienced in connecting to their readers.

100% original

All articles and blogs are 100% plagiarism-free and original.


A good professional proofreads and edits the content until you’re satisfied.

free of grammatical errors

Every article and blog you get is free of grammatical errors.

reader friendly

The content is reader-friendly, which means it is effortless to understand for a layman.

consistent flow

The language, style, and tone of the content are consistent.

saves time

Hiring a content writer no doubt saves you a lot of time.

checking for seo

A professional is updated with knowledge of SEO and optimizes your blog accordingly.


They are better at adding new and trendy topics to your blog.

website traffic

With quality content, you can increase your website traffic immensely.

uploading content

There are higher chances of maintaining regularity in uploading new content.

What Do Our Services Include?

Our team of writers are skilled with both blogs and articles. You can choose from the following article and blog writing services that we provide:

Why Hire Us?

A blog may not sell your product directly. However, a good one solves the following purposes:

To fulfil the above, the quality of your blog needs to be good. Here’s what adds quality to a blog that our team of writers and designers provide you with the following:

Trending topics and keywords

Correct distribution and use of keywords

good readability score

Reader-friendly language, format, and length

Informative or entertaining content

graphics, infographics, and videos

Appealing images, infographics, and videos

All of these eventually lead to an increase in traffic to your website, which leads to sales. Aiming to increase your business, our team of writers ensure to provide you with content that drives your target audience towards your brand.

Here’s what we can assure you from our end:

Timely Submissions

Our team takes its deadlines very seriously, knowing that posting articles and blogs at a given time is significant for your growth.

Quality of Work

We are passionate about our work. We ensure that every article or blog you get is 100% original, engaging, and motivating.

Dedication & Commitment

Our team comprises skilled & experienced writers. We give in our 100% to serve your brand, industry, & audience.


Direct and clear communication is the key to providing a successful service. We assure you that we will be very clear and precise with our pricing and delivery from the very beginning.


We are available by email, phone call, and WhatsApp for communication from 10 AM to 7 PM on all working days. You may fill out our contact form to get a quicker response.

How Does it Work?

We believe in keeping the process extremely simple for your convenience. To inquire about or avail our article and blog writing services, just fill up the form below and we’ll get in touch with you:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ideally, every website today needs a blog section to improve internal linking and website engagement. Besides that, blogs can also be external, owned by content creators who require blog writing services.

Articles are posted on external article submission sites, PR sites, and media (news & magazines) sites. Brand owners require article writing services to make article and PR submissions for SEO. Media sites require articles for running their sites. It is one of their essential requirements to run the website.

Yes, we do have experience in rewriting articles for news websites. However, we are not into journalism. We work for news articles based on references provided by you.

One of our biggest strengths is that we provide content for all genres – from lifestyle and shopping to marketing and finance. Our writers are trained to provide informative, entertaining, review, and news content for websites.

Yes, we provide images, infographics, and videos to support blogs and articles. However, we provide these services on request, and they will affect the quotation for the overall blog or article.